Moved by Him
Welcome to Moved by Him Podcast, created for the woman of faith who is craving conversation at the intersection of where Jesus, wellness, and culture meet. Learn to pray, worship, and seek the Word of God for answers that spiritually equip you to navigate the chaos and confusion of the fitness and nutrition world. As we read in 1 Timothy 4:8, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” With our eyes fixed on eternity, let’s bring Jesus into our wellness journey and stand up against deception. We are Moved by Him!
Podcasting since 2021 • 103 episodes
Moved by Him
Latest Episodes
We Are MOVED BY HIM: 3 Reminders to Fire Up Your Fitness Routine, as a Christian
Jesus died a slow and painful death on the cross to cover our sins. We can manage to move our body a little today. This is about stewardship and being healthfully equipped to do God's work. We glorify Him when we use the gifts He's given us to ...
Episode 103

We’ve Made Science an Idol at the Expense of Common Sense (+ Thoughts on the Red 3 Ban)
Science is a beautiful thing. God created it. BUT in many circumstances we obsess over the science, at the expense of using our common sense to make decisions for the health of our families. Listening to eight podcasts, reading a book or two, a...
Episode 102

10 Things I’m Doing to Recover From My 2nd C-Section
Want to feel like yourself again post c-section? Then this episode is for you! I'm sharing the 10 things that have been a game changer in getting back to feeling like myself, following my second c-section. I went into this recovery with the aim...
Episode 101

Set Faith Goals BEFORE Setting Fitness Goals This New Year
It is so common that we set health and fitness goals (and financial, family, hobby, career goals) allll before setting any sort of faith goals. Don't give God your leftover goal energy this year. Prioritize your relationship with Jesus FIRST!
Episode 100

The #1 Way to Ensure Success in the New Year as a Christian Woman
It's that time of year again! Reflecting and resetting for the year ahead can be an incredibly fruitful practice, but it can also be an opportunity to align ourself with the ideals (and idols) of the world. New Years resolutions are like the de...
Episode 99