Moved by Him

Set Faith Goals BEFORE Setting Fitness Goals This New Year

Reed Dunn Episode 100

It is so common that we set health and fitness goals (and financial, family, hobby, career goals) allll before setting any sort of faith goals. Don't give God your leftover goal energy this year. Prioritize your relationship with Jesus FIRST!

Join me for a study of the church of Laodicea in Revelation 3 to see how Jesus wants us to posture ourselves toward Him - He wants us to be on FIRE for relationship with Him! Step into a new way of setting goals this year, by starting with goals to pray more, be in the Word more, surround yourself with strong believers, and get on mission. And you may be shocked to find that setting faith goals first actually benefits your fitness and health goals as well. Because there is no better gym motivation than wanting to steward your body well so you can do the Lord's work!

0:00 Introduction
2:40 Prayer
3:33 Why you should prioritize faith goals first
5:20 Don’t be like the Church of Laodicea
13:04 Stay in touch with Jesus
17:50 Stop slacking on your bible reading
20:02 Surround yourself with strong believers
22:22 Get on mission
25:48 Faith goals benefit your health goals

Scriptures referenced in this episode:
Revelation 3:14-22
Proverbs 27:17

Links to other episodes mentioned:
The #1 Way to Ensure Success in the New Year as a Christian Woman

Links to other resources mentioned:
Spiritual Gifts Survey from Lifeway

Know that you can always reach out with prayer requests or listener questions by emailing me at (or message me on Instagram at @movedbyhim_)!

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