Moved by Him
Welcome to Moved by Him Podcast, created for the woman of faith who is craving conversation at the intersection of where Jesus, wellness, and culture meet. Learn to pray, worship, and seek the Word of God for answers that spiritually equip you to navigate the chaos and confusion of the fitness and nutrition world. As we read in 1 Timothy 4:8, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” With our eyes fixed on eternity, let’s bring Jesus into our wellness journey and stand up against deception. We are Moved by Him!
Moved by Him
So How Bad Are Seed Oils? God Made Seeds, but Did He Intend for Us to Use Seed Oils?
Cutting out seed oils is all the rage these days, but is it really justified? Some health experts claim that the inflammatory impact of seed oils is to blame for many of the health issues in the U.S., as seed oil consumption has increased exponentially over the last century.
Originally used to lubricate machinery and make candles, seed oils crept into our diets starting in the early 1900s and they are now found in nearly all packaged foods. As women of the Word, let's take this conundrum to God and seek discernment.
In this episode, I talk about everything from what seed oils are, to whether I think God intended for us to use them (because He made seeds after all), and how to make some simple swaps in your life to decrease your consumption of seed oils.
Scripture referenced in this episode:
John 6:35
Other resources to check out:
Podcast: Natural Flavors: How Big Food Is Messing with God’s Design
Video: How It's Made - Canola Oil
Article (and Graph): Why Is Vegetable Oil Unhealthy?
Podcast: Avoid Seed Oils
Know that you can always reach out with prayer requests or listener questions by emailing me at movedbyhimpodcast@gmail.com (or message me on Instagram at @movedbyhim_)!
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